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Fall 2024 Program

To All Cheerleaders and Parents,

Welcome to the Darien Junior Cheerleading League (DJCL) Fall 2024 Season.  Our league give girls the opportunity to learn age appropriate cheerleading skills while gaining an understanding of teamwork and community spirit.  The program serves as a foundation for cheerleading at the high school level.  We are looking forward to cheering and motivating our DJFL teams and join all the other Fairfield County Football League communities with a successful and rewarding cheerleading program.

The DJCL squads will consist of Darien girls in Grades 2 through 5.  The season runs from early September through early-mid November depending on playoff schedules and results.  

Please see the Registration page for full details.

The DJFL is pleased to continue our policy of supporting all town of Darien public employees (paid and volunteer). For 2024, contact  [email protected] in order to qualify for the reduced registration fee of $150. The uniform deposit check will be collected when the uniforms are distributed.

The DJCL understands there may be special needs in certain families that may result in children needing scholarship assistance with registration fees. Any applicants wishing to apply for the scholarship should email Lindsay Blackinton. We will keep all scholarship requests in the strictest confidence. Note that all scholarships will still require a $150 registration fee as well as a deposit check for the uniform (to be collected when the uniforms are distributed).  The deposit check will be returned at the end of the season when the uniform is returned. 

Practice and Games

Preseason Practices:

Fall Season Practices:
Friday 5:00-6:30PM
Location is TBD

DJCL squads will cheer DJFL tackle teams. DJFL home games are played at DHS Stadium on Saturdays and Sundays.  Games are approximately 1-1.5 hours long with the first game beginning at 8:00 am.  Depending on DHS Stadium availability, DJFL games are scheduled throughout the day but are typically completed by 1:00 pm. 

Cheerleading squads will cheer mainly at HOME games and will only cheer ONE game per weekend.  Cheering during inclement weather will be at the discretion of the coaches.


Uniform sizing will be held in June (date TBD). A cheerleading uniform will be provided by DJCL with a $150 deposit, refundable deposit if the uniform is returned on time in good condition.  Deposits in the form of check payable to Darien Junior Cheerleading League and post dated December 1, 2024 will be required at uniform pick up.  Uniforms will be distributed before the first game. The cheerleading uniform will include:

Uniform (provided by DJCL and to be returned)
Pom Poms (provided by DJCL and to be returned)
Hair bow (provided by DJCL)
Cheer Socks (provided by DJCL) 
White bodyliner and blue boy shorts (provided by DJCL)
Pink Hair bow for October Breast Cancer Awareness Month (provided by DJCL)
Pink Pompoms (to be distriubuted at games in October).
Practice shorts/leggings or sweatpants
All white cheer sneakers (preferred) or regular all white sneakers (no Keds)
Cold weather gear - grey leggings 
Cold weather gear - fleece cheer jacket

Darien Junior Football League

PO Box 52 
Darien, Connecticut 06820
Email : [email protected]
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